Web 2.0 Goes Worldwide

During the first session of day two, five representatives from Rising Voices will present their experiences – either as trainers or trainees – in citizen media outreach projects in Colombia, Bolivia, Madagascar, and Kenya. They are all working to extend the conversation taking place online via blogs, podcasts, and video- and photo-sharing sites to communities that have traditionally been ignored by both mainstream and new media.

catalina.jpgCatalina Restrepo, an enthusiastic new blogger from Medellín, Colombia's peripheral La Loma community, will describe how a group of young library users in her small hilltop community have commanded the respect of local leaders and attracted the attention of regional and national media outlets after establishing a name for themselves using blogs, photographs, and short video documentaries. Restrepo will also describe how the group of young bloggers decided to come together and build a new house for the subject of one of their online video documentaries. You can read a translation of a recent post by Restrepo on the HiperBarrio project blog.

collins.jpgCollins Dennis Oduor, co-founder of REPACTED, will describe how new media tools can be combined with participatory street theater to encourage distinct groups of a local community to come together and peacefully discuss the most pressing and controversial topics. For Oduor's hometown of Nakuru, Kenya, those topics frequently include AIDS, poverty, and ethnicity. We will also learn about REPACTED's role in promoting peace during Kenya's post-election crisis earlier this year. You can read a Rising Voices interview with Oduor's colleague, Dennis Kimambo on the REPACTED website.

images.jpegCristina Quisbert, one of the most active participants (and now a trainer) of the Voces Bolivianas project in Bolivia, will explain how, in less than one year, she has managed to create an important online resource and space of conversation for anyone interested in topics related to indigenous peoples in Bolivia, Latin America, and around the world. In addition to maintaining her prolific Spanish-language blog, Quisbert has also begun writing in English. She presented at the We Media conference in Miami about the potential of blogging as a means of inclusion for indigenous communities in Bolivia.

403.jpgMialy Andriamananjara is one of three Malagasy coordinators of the FOKO Madagascar project. She will provide an overview of how diaspora communities can use online tools to promote social change in their home countries. Using Skype, video-chats, and translated tutorials, Andriamananjara helps coordinate the training of new bloggers and vloggers in Toamasina, Majunga, and Antananarivo. Herself a published writer of fiction, Andriamananjara was born and raised in Madagascar, but now lives with her family in Washington D.C. She blogs in English and French, and recently recorded the first performance of the Vagina Monlogues in Malagasy. You can see a brief video interview on Rising Voices.

The session will be moderated by Lova Rakotomalala and aims to outline a framework of best practices for overcoming the many obstacles that stand in the way of narrowing the online participation gap around the world.


  • […] Session 1: “Web 2.0 Goes Worldwide” MODERATOR: Lova Rakotomalala. SPEAKERS: Catalina Restrepo (HiperBarrio, Colombia), Collins Dennis Oduor (REPACTED, Kenya), Cristina Quisbert (Voces Bolivianas, Bolivia), Mialy Andriamananjara (FOKO, Madagascar) The participatory web has, so far, been limited to the participation of select communities. Thanks to the steady proliferation of broadband connectivity and digital literacy campaigns throughout the developing world, however, some of the most exciting uses of online tools are now taking place in locations where, merely a decade ago, internet access was rare, if available at all. This panel will gather leaders of cutting-edge Web 2.0 initiatives from Colombia, Kenya, Bolivia, and Madagascar who seek to make the global conversation more representative of the global population. […]

  • […] for Global Voices to follow over the next year or so. Of course, I am especially looking forward to the session on Rising Voices which Lova Rakotomalala will be moderating on the second day of the conference. And, no doubt, […]

  • […] Session 1: Web 2.0 Goes Worldwide was moderated by Lova Rakotomalala, with Catalina Restrepo (HiperBarrio, Colombia), Collins Dennis Oduor (REPACTED, Kenya), Cristina Quisbert (Voces Bolivianas, Bolivia), Mialy Andriamananjara (FOKO, Madagascar) speaking. It was live blogged by Rebecca Wanjiku. This panel gathered leaders of cutting-edge Web 2.0 initiatives from Colombia, Kenya, Bolivia, and Madagascar who seek to make the global conversation more representative of the global population. Issues pertaining to their specific projects and the challenges that they have overcome. […]

  • […] prima sessione, “il Web 2.0 diventa globale” è stata moderata da Lova Rakotomalala, con interventi di Catalina Restrepo (HiperBarrio, […]

  • […] Сесија 1: Веб 2.0 станува широкораспространет беше модерирана од Лова Ракотомалала, со Каталина Ростепо (ХиперБарио, Колумбија), Колинс Денис Одур (Репактед, Кенија), Кристина Кисберт (Гласови од Боливија, Боливија), Миали Андриамананјара (ФОКО, Мадагаскар) како говорници. Оваа сесија беше блогирана во живо од Ребека Ванјики. Овој панел ги спои лидерите од иновативните Веб 2.0 иницијативи од Колумбија, Кенија, Боливија и Мадагаскар кои се обидуваат да ја направат глобалната дискусија повеќе претставителна за глобалната популација. Прашања што се однесуваат на нивните специфични проекти и предизвиците со кои тие се соочувале. […]

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